Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Do You See What I See?

I see smiles. I see laughs. I see chuckles.

I see that sadness and bad days are always not permanent.

I see many rose up from failures, stronger than before.

I see strength. I know you have it if you would just believe it.

I see faith. I choose to have faith.

I see those who are in hardships in the moment, still choose not to give up.

I still see hope. I still see light at the end of the tunnel. I still believe...

I see beauty and charm. I know it will shine out if you let it.

I see love. I still believe in love.

I still see compassion. I see that many do possess it.

I see caring. I know it’s in all of us.

I still see humanity. I believe everybody has it though it may be buried deep.

Do you?

Do you see what I see?

~ eve ~

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Unexpected Change to an Expected Ending

Why do I find myself so hard to accept it? 
Let it go. Accept it. 
Accept the reality. Accept the fact. 
Accept it. Accept it.

What do I do when my heart is burdened and heavy?
I eat ice-cream. Sundae-fudges are the best.
It numbs and numbs and numbs...

Its funny when your heart skipped a bit,
When you thought your tears turned black on the tissue,
Only to realize it was the black mascara you wore this morning.

Black non-waterproof mascaras are not for sad days.
Definitely not for sad days.
Wipe it off before you let your tears flow. Gently, wipe it off...

Crying hurts but tears heal. And so, you will have to
Let it flow, let it fall. let it drop, let it dry.
And only then the emotions can be calmed.

~ eve ~
